School & The Covid

Of all of the seemingly intractable problems associated with public health and the broad effects of the pandemic on society and the economy, re-opening education from pre-school to university looks to be the one that will require the greatest amount of imagination, compromise and risk. The strategy of ‘just do it’ has been disgraced by the post-Memorial Day blow out that set the country back three months and the righteous fear that harm would occur to teachers, staff, and children if such a free-wheeling approach were taken with going back to school. Governments incapable of providing PPE and testing on a national basis are not likely to have the skill to manage a task with so many moving parts as 20,000 school districts,  colleges and universities. Putting health and safety first and going forward deliberately would appear to be the wisest course while providing wide variance for local particulars.

As a retired teacher who spent between my years as a student and  an instructor nearly a half century in the classroom I would offer a number of suggestions as to how to proceed slowly. The starting point is asking what our near term objectives are and remembering that schools need to be institutions governed by rules and that they need to model the behaviors that they seek to instill no matter what the nature of the content  being taught. In that sense, the affective and kinesthetic objectives are more pertinent to the plan than the cognitive ones because every site must support the emotional and physical safety of all involved while precluding the possibility of spreading infection to the families of those who go to school. These considerations mean that impetuous and risky approaches should be ruled out at the start and those that say ‘do it now, no matter what’ need to be gaveled silent.  We must take the time to do it right.

Women’s Lives Matter

“We shall not be safe until the principle of equal rights is written into the framework of our government.”              Alice Paul     1923

Alice Paul

In the 100 years since women got the right to vote in the 19th Amendment, and the 150 years since ‘the equal protection of the laws’ was guaranteed in the 14th Amendment, women have had their legal status in the United States challenged by the fact that the original Constitution did not take them into account. That omission in the basic plan of government bedevils women to this day and allows for legislative mischief, such as states creating impediments to their reproductive rights, and employer slights, such as unequal pay and the denial of specific benefits unique to their gender, such as leave and help for their children. The concept of One Nation requires that all be equal before the law. The failure of the national government to protect the interests of woman throughout the land is much like that of the lack of federal oversight in national elections; they are problems in need of legislative solutions.

Shirley Chisholm

I advocate executive action to issue the Preliminary Equal Rights Proclamation, after the manner of Lincoln’s 1863 Preliminary  Emancipation Proclamation, with the injunction for the 117th Congress to expedite as quickly as possible the ratification of ERA as the 28th Amendment to the Constitution. Alice Paul’s advice is as right today as it was 100 years ago.

4th July Greetings from HQ

Dear Friends and Fellow Citizens:

The very strong impression growing in these parts is that, true to Mister Trump’s prediction in 2016, we will “get tired of winning”. It appears that just being able to live and breathe has surpassed ‘winning’ as a felt need. This does not bode well for either The Incumbent or the Trumpublican Party as they do appear to be fully embracing a death spiral. Perhaps only the habitual political malpractice that the Democratic Party has become so skilled at over recent years is in a unique position to save them; that, and, of course, the failure of Congress to pass adequate laws for the protection of voting and vote counting across the nation. What remains to be done for the core of the Trump Crime Family enterprises is an examination by the voters of his tax history and some of the many ‘books’ he keeps in order to tract his cash flow and tax avoidance schemes. Therein is where we see the failure of many who voted for this chancer and bounder, and the compliant courts and paid media: namely, the demand to scrutinize the numbers and fulfill their citizenry duty of due diligence before giving an obvious fake the keys to the kingdom. I am attaching a copy of my tax return from 2019 so that voters can check out my stats and avoid the same mistake. (It will be found as a link in the next post above as soon as it is loaded.) Once again let’s reaffirm our commitment to freedom & justice.