Why am I running for president in 2020?

As Shirley Chisholm said, “I’m un-bossed and un-bought.”
The country needs a leader who has not sold out.

The national government in Washington DC needs to be under the control of the people through elections that honor the principle of one person – one vote. Disproportional representation does not allow for that, and the Electoral College insures inequality by denying the majority its right to elect the President. The cartel of two major political parties monopolizing the ballot in Presidential elections has priced out all challengers who do not subscribe to their control. This allows plutocrats and monied syndicates to purchase the highest office in the land after already buying and selling all the lower offices through unregulated campaign contributions. These parties operate “in restaint of good government” in much the same way as businesses operated in restraint of trade before the arrival of the Sherman Antitrust Act at the end of the 19th century and then the willingness to use that law by the progressives in both the Republican and Democratic Parties in the early 20th century. We now similarly need to restrain the over-burdening load by which big money manages to abuse the rights of association and free speech in order to foreclose challenges to their control of the government. A vote for John Karl Fredrich on November 3, 2020, will be a repudiation of the status quo and its denial of majority rule.