Labor Day 2020

Labor Day in the fall is an artifice of American culture born of the concern of the political leadership that allowing the celebration of working people to occur on May 1st, in solidarity with those who toil across the world, would only enhance the power of the international forces trying to reform capitalism. That fact, the importance of May to the forces of revolutionary action, is one big reason why I began my campaign on May Day. Now though, it is also true that our fall celebration is the official start of the final round leading up to the elections at the beginning of November, “the first Tuesday after the first Monday”, and signifies the moment of truth for the many years of planning, organizing and fund raising that those who aspire to be elected have undertaken. Therefore, because of the tremendous stakes of the next sixty days in this historic Presidential contest, the need for all citizens and voters to be alert, hard working and diligent in their scrutiny of the facts and their pursuit of the reality in regard to our pressing problems is particularly intense. If we are lazy or duplicitous the entire matter may slip out of our hands. Powerful forces seek to neutralize the power of workers, farmers, students, homemakers, and aggrieved minorities of many stripes, most acutely by manipulation of the narrative concerning this historic moment and then the actual results of the hard vote on November 3rd.

Your task is to see to it that this does not happen and to flex your political muscles with your vote for change. Remain safe and strong as we nonviolently walk the path of power to victory.

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