Field of Play – The End of Q2

As those competing in the Presidential election size up the field of play for the November 3rd contest they view an arena of competition unlike any in history. Comparisons to 1860 and 1932 are appropriate because the emergencies the country is facing are similar to those of disunion that would challenge Lincoln and complete economic meltdown that would confront Roosevelt. In addition, the Congress and the White House will have to agree substantively on any number of issues in order to correct the overly aggressive and reactionary actions of the executive and judicial branches. Those facts are the basis for my contention that there needs to be clear discussion of all options and actual votes in Congress to determine what policies and actions are supported by majorities, and those that do have majority support should be instituted into law and action. Health care for all and women’s rights are at the top of my list. The entire package of economic and legal apparatus that insure entrenched racism and income inequality require federal attention in order to rebuild society along just and sustainable models.

This requires increasing taxes on both the very wealthy and corporations, reducing militarism, and articulating a clear and coherent social contract.

 To leave that matter unsaid and not debated in the four months until we all vote would be a grave mistake. That’s grave, as in dead and buried, which is where the country is headed unless we get our house in order.


If in the wake of the current pandemic and pervasive unrest the country cannot see a way to obtain universal single payer health care and protect the American people from the depredations of corporations and a failed philosophy and budget for the police and military, then we may find the nation in the twilight of the period that guided us since the Constitution was drafted and ratified. How can something like Medicare for All not be at the forefront as millions are left unemployed and thrown out of private insurance coverage? Those who wish to remain with private carriers should be granted waivers to do that, but the country needs a way to protect public health and to guarantee to everyone that necessary care is given. This issue, like the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) for full equality under law for the half of our citizenry who still remain outside the umbrella of protection, is not only ripe, it would be a disaster and a sin if we did not make this a central issue in the 2020 election. Emblazon it on our ensign and go forward boldly into battle. Now is our moment, and, might I add in the best words of The Movement, We Shall Overcome!

Not ‘someday’, but right now ; we are the ones that need to do this.


To many Americans the idea of more of Donald J. Trump as President is beyond reckoning. His policies, his actions, his world view, his lies and the distinct odor of core corruption make it hard for the opponents of Trumpismo to believe that he could prevail in November. As stated earlier, he does not need to win a majority of the votes and his Department of Justice (DOJ), and followers in Congress and in appointed offices will do what they can to keep him in power in the event of an election that is close enough to be called ‘disputed’, so it behooves the opposition to bring game by having lawyered up, exercised all due diligence, and being ready to ‘go the mattresses’ if the inevitable challenge arises. The weaknesses of US political institutions coupled with the lack of courage and imagination of elites, has left unchecked the support that the caudillo enjoys from his billionaire cohort and core cult members. The fact that the Democratic Party has not been able to articulate and advance a national program for wages, health care, housing, education and job training and viable and cohesive tax and budgeting principles and procedures goes a good distance past the failings of the last 40 years of Reaganism triumphant and reflects the wider difficulty of power sold to the highest bidder and a value system and ethic that rewards unregulated campaign financing and permanent incumbency for those who so choose.

Will they come forward with a platform and then be able to get their votes counted? JKF already has put forward his program and next to Medicare for All and Equal Rights for Women, control of the budget and raising taxes on the wealthy while reigning in military and police appropriations are primary objectives of this campaign.









Canceling the Next Season

“Because of flagging interest and a measurable drop-off in ratings, the next season of Donny Johnny Drains the Swamp is likely going to be cancelled.”

I somehow believe that news of that nature would be greeted favorably by about 60% of the country if for no other reason than to garner some relief from the tremendous fatigue and anxiety caused by his daily bluster and shenanigans. Those who find the Donald J. Trump show troubling to the point of exhaustion would be happy to put it behind them.

The larger question as to whether the displeasure of more than half the nation can have any bearing at all on a Presidential election will require some examination.

Of the many factors to consider concerning the specifics as to how the November elections will be run, the most worrisome and problematic are related to voter suppression under the rational that extreme restrictions will be required in order to protect the process from fraud. While there are repeated accusations that fraud is rife in all voting, the facts indicate that an examination of many millions of votes could find fewer than 100 suspect instances of possible fraud versus the documented reality of only half of the eligible voters bothering to show up to vote in elections for which there are no candidates for the highest office, the Presidency.

As the incumbent President, Donald John Trump rails against possible fraud in this election, would-be voters should remember this and recall that non-voting is a greater threat than fraud. Since the requirement of registering to vote already creates barriers for some voters, the need to vote by means other than showing up at the polls between a limited number of hours should be effortless and secure. The already added demand that the ballot be signed and delivered on time should be sufficient. Mr. Trump would not have won without voter suppression in battle ground states like Wisconsin in 2016, and he probably cannot win in 2020 unless the Trumpublican Party can expand their ability to restrict voters. Being able to vote is the sine quo non for representative democracy to function. With secure, verifiable mailed ballots, the Trump TV show could be toast well before November 3rd .