Canceling the Next Season

“Because of flagging interest and a measurable drop-off in ratings, the next season of Donny Johnny Drains the Swamp is likely going to be cancelled.”

I somehow believe that news of that nature would be greeted favorably by about 60% of the country if for no other reason than to garner some relief from the tremendous fatigue and anxiety caused by his daily bluster and shenanigans. Those who find the Donald J. Trump show troubling to the point of exhaustion would be happy to put it behind them.

The larger question as to whether the displeasure of more than half the nation can have any bearing at all on a Presidential election will require some examination.

Of the many factors to consider concerning the specifics as to how the November elections will be run, the most worrisome and problematic are related to voter suppression under the rational that extreme restrictions will be required in order to protect the process from fraud. While there are repeated accusations that fraud is rife in all voting, the facts indicate that an examination of many millions of votes could find fewer than 100 suspect instances of possible fraud versus the documented reality of only half of the eligible voters bothering to show up to vote in elections for which there are no candidates for the highest office, the Presidency.

As the incumbent President, Donald John Trump rails against possible fraud in this election, would-be voters should remember this and recall that non-voting is a greater threat than fraud. Since the requirement of registering to vote already creates barriers for some voters, the need to vote by means other than showing up at the polls between a limited number of hours should be effortless and secure. The already added demand that the ballot be signed and delivered on time should be sufficient. Mr. Trump would not have won without voter suppression in battle ground states like Wisconsin in 2016, and he probably cannot win in 2020 unless the Trumpublican Party can expand their ability to restrict voters. Being able to vote is the sine quo non for representative democracy to function. With secure, verifiable mailed ballots, the Trump TV show could be toast well before November 3rd .


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