
To many Americans the idea of more of Donald J. Trump as President is beyond reckoning. His policies, his actions, his world view, his lies and the distinct odor of core corruption make it hard for the opponents of Trumpismo to believe that he could prevail in November. As stated earlier, he does not need to win a majority of the votes and his Department of Justice (DOJ), and followers in Congress and in appointed offices will do what they can to keep him in power in the event of an election that is close enough to be called ‘disputed’, so it behooves the opposition to bring game by having lawyered up, exercised all due diligence, and being ready to ‘go the mattresses’ if the inevitable challenge arises. The weaknesses of US political institutions coupled with the lack of courage and imagination of elites, has left unchecked the support that the caudillo enjoys from his billionaire cohort and core cult members. The fact that the Democratic Party has not been able to articulate and advance a national program for wages, health care, housing, education and job training and viable and cohesive tax and budgeting principles and procedures goes a good distance past the failings of the last 40 years of Reaganism triumphant and reflects the wider difficulty of power sold to the highest bidder and a value system and ethic that rewards unregulated campaign financing and permanent incumbency for those who so choose.

Will they come forward with a platform and then be able to get their votes counted? JKF already has put forward his program and next to Medicare for All and Equal Rights for Women, control of the budget and raising taxes on the wealthy while reigning in military and police appropriations are primary objectives of this campaign.









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